Joan Baez and Bob Dylan/ a Poem
Bob Dylan definitely had a soul mate and he definitely cheated on and left her for a woman he could control.
For the Joan Baez in us all I rage. She is beautiful and doesn’t believe it. She is wild above all and demanding and strong. She is in search of true feeling. That is why she can exist in between kind and cruel. Bob Dylan loved her that’s for fucking sure.
God I hate and love this video. To be in that space between them. It’s made of electricity and big open sky kind of love. God Bob is such a shit stain.
I wonder at how often humans meet someone who feels like how creosote smells in the rain and one of them chooses satisfaction instead. Capitalism is hard on love. It’s so free. It grows more when consumed and when stored as capital it disappears. It is unusable and selfish and earth shaking. It exists in the bottom of our skulls between water shelter and food. More powerful than it’s neighbor’s, it can’t be satiated by meal or a drink. It exists until it doesn’t anymore.
There are no words
Just please
Over and over
I am an empty wind looking for you
Abandoned by father now abandoned by you
You participated in deep love before leaving
I don’t know you
I know you the most of all your people -from psychic ability enhanced with shared breath and shared orgasms
It’s still just a guess
With soft tendrils I probe and you have obsidian walls
I don’t want to be violent
In doing so I am violated
I stand on a precipice to be closer to you
Last night I stood by the door and imagined you were just outside
I heard you shuffle and breath even if you were a branch and gust
Every second I sit at the coffee shop I look for you at the door
I feel your limbs
I felt pain in my body once
I knew it was you
Pain in my back and heart burning
It’s all in your hands
You have been giving a million windows to jump through
I sit in waiting with your ancestors permission
The culture is like a breath on my back with disapproval
There, I thought someone was you and my heart dropped
I should be a different person
I view myself as a body deserving of being thrown into a volcano
My use was loving you
You have disappeared